Forwarded to ErrorController (1eed14)


(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /s/1323e21333e2936313e22363/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassian.jira/jira-webapp-dist/
# Route name Path Log
1 template_admin_index /admin/index Path does not match
2 template_admin_jwt /admin/{selector}/jwt Path does not match
3 template_admin_add_patient /admin/patient Path does not match
4 template_admin_city /admin/city Path does not match
5 template_admin_role /admin/role Path does not match
6 template_admin_speciality /admin/speciality Path does not match
7 template_admin_speciality_add /admin/speciality/add Path does not match
8 template_admin_appointment /admin/appointment Path does not match
9 template_admin_appointment_show /admin/appointment/show/{selector} Path does not match
10 template_admin_add_doctor /admin/doctor Path does not match
11 template_admin_doctor_list /admin/doctor/list Path does not match
12 template_admin_doctor_show /admin/doctor/show/{selector} Path does not match
13 template_admin_patient_list /admin/patient/list Path does not match
14 template_admin_patient_show /admin/patient/show/{selector} Path does not match
15 template_admin_add_clinical /admin/clinical Path does not match
16 template_admin_clinical_list /admin/clinical/list Path does not match
17 template_admin_clinical_show /admin/clinical/show/{selector} Path does not match
18 template_admin_add_laboratory /admin/laboratory Path does not match
19 template_admin_laboratory_list /admin/laboratory/list Path does not match
20 template_admin_laboratory_show /admin/laboratory/show/{selector} Path does not match
21 template_admin_add_assistant /admin/assistant Path does not match
22 template_admin_assistant_list /admin/assistant/list Path does not match
23 template_admin_assistant_show /admin/assistant/show/{selector} Path does not match
24 template_admin_subscription_config /admin/subscription/config Path does not match
25 template_admin_add_blog /admin/blog/add Path does not match
26 template_admin_blog_list /admin/blog Path does not match
27 template_admin_show_config /admin/setting/show Path does not match
28 template_assistant_index /assistant/index Path does not match
29 template_assistant_update_profile /assistant/profile Path does not match
30 template_assistant_update_password /assistant/password Path does not match
31 template_assistant_appointment_show /assistant/appointment/show/{selector} Path does not match
32 template_assistant_appointment_add /assistant/appointment/add Path does not match
33 website_index / Path does not match
34 doctors_list /med/list Path does not match
35 doctors_search /search/doctor/ Path does not match
36 one_doctor /med/show/{selector} Path does not match
37 clinical_list /clinical/list Path does not match
38 one_clinical /clinical/show/{selector} Path does not match
39 laboratory_list /laboratory/list Path does not match
40 one_laboratory /laboratory/show/{selector} Path does not match
41 appointment /med/appointment/{selector} Path does not match
42 clinicals_search /search/clinical/ Path does not match
43 laboratory_search /search/laboratory/ Path does not match
44 blog_list /blog/list Path does not match
45 one_blog /blog/show/{selector} Path does not match
46 template_doctor_index /doctor/index Path does not match
47 template_doctor_schedule /doctor/schedule Path does not match
48 template_doctor_availibility /doctor/availibility Path does not match
49 template_doctor_appointment /doctor/appointments Path does not match
50 template_doctor_appointment_add /doctor/appointment/add Path does not match
51 template_doctor_assistant /doctor/assistant Path does not match
52 template_doctor_assistant_add /doctor/assistant/add Path does not match
53 template_doctor_assistant_show /doctor/assistant/show/{selector} Path does not match
54 template_doctor_appointment_show /doctor/appointment/show/{selector} Path does not match
55 template_doctor_update_profile /doctor/profile Path does not match
56 template_doctor_update_password /doctor/password Path does not match
57 template_doctor_patient /doctor/patients Path does not match
58 template_doctor_patient_show /doctor/patient/show/{selector} Path does not match
59 template_doctor_notification /doctor/notifications Path does not match
60 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
61 template_patient_index /patient/index Path does not match
62 template_patient_update_profile /patient/profile Path does not match
63 template_patient_update_password /patient/password Path does not match
64 template_patient_appointment_show /patient/appointment/show/{selector} Path does not match
65 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
66 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
67 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
68 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
69 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
70 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
71 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
72 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
73 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
74 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
75 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
76 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
77 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
78 appointmentapi_list /api/v1/appointment/ Path does not match
79 appointmentapi_listbydoctor /api/v1/appointment/bydoctor Path does not match
80 appointmentapi_add /api/v1/appointment/ Path does not match
81 appointmentapi_addA /api/v1/appointment/add Path does not match
82 appointmentapi_addbydoctor /api/v1/appointment/add/bydoctor Path does not match
83 appointmentapi_addbyassistant /api/v1/appointment/add/byassistant Path does not match
84 appointmentapi_update /api/v1/appointment/{selector} Path does not match
85 appointmentapi_updatestatus /api/v1/appointment/status/{selector} Path does not match
86 appointmentapi_getOneAppointment /api/v1/appointment/{selector} Path does not match
87 appointmentapi_destroy /api/v1/appointment/{selector} Path does not match
88 assistantapi_list /api/v1/assistant/ Path does not match
89 assistantapi_allbydoctor /api/v1/assistant/all/bydoctor Path does not match
90 assistantapi_add /api/v1/assistant/ Path does not match
91 assistantapi_addbydoctor /api/v1/assistant/add/bydoctor Path does not match
92 assistantapi_update /api/v1/assistant/{selector} Path does not match
93 assistantapi_getOneAssistant /api/v1/assistant/{selector} Path does not match
94 assistantapi_destroy /api/v1/assistant/{selector} Path does not match
95 availibilityapi_list /api/v1/availibility/ Path does not match
96 availibilityapi_listbydoctor /api/v1/availibility/bydoctor Path does not match
97 availibilityapi_listbyassistant /api/v1/availibility/byassistant Path does not match
98 availibilityapi_listbydoctorall /api/v1/availibility/bydoctor/all Path does not match
99 availibilityapi_add /api/v1/availibility/ Path does not match
100 availibilityapi_update /api/v1/availibility/{selector} Path does not match
101 availibilityapi_getOneAvailibility /api/v1/availibility/{selector} Path does not match
102 availibilityapi_destroy /api/v1/availibility/{selector} Path does not match
103 blogapi_list /api/v1/blog/ Path does not match
104 blogapi_all /api/v1/blog/all Path does not match
105 blogapi_add /api/v1/blog/ Path does not match
106 blogapi_update /api/v1/blog/{selector} Path does not match
107 blogapi_getOneBlog /api/v1/blog/{selector} Path does not match
108 blogapi_destroy /api/v1/blog/{selector} Path does not match
109 cityapi_list /api/v1/city/ Path does not match
110 cityapi_all /api/v1/city/all Path does not match
111 cityapi_add /api/v1/city/ Path does not match
112 cityapi_update /api/v1/city/{selector} Path does not match
113 cityapi_getOneCity /api/v1/city/{selector} Path does not match
114 cityapi_destroy /api/v1/city/{selector} Path does not match
115 clinicalapi_list /api/v1/clinical/ Path does not match
116 clinicalapi_filter /api/v1/clinical/filter Path does not match
117 clinicalapi_add /api/v1/clinical/ Path does not match
118 clinicalapi_update /api/v1/clinical/{selector} Path does not match
119 clinicalapi_getOneClinical /api/v1/clinical/{selector} Path does not match
120 clinicalapi_destroy /api/v1/clinical/{selector} Path does not match
121 doctorapi_list /api/v1/doctor/ Path does not match
122 doctorapi_listadmin /api/v1/doctor/alladmin Path does not match
123 doctorapi_all /api/v1/doctor/all Path does not match
124 doctorapi_filter /api/v1/doctor/filter Path does not match
125 doctorapi_statistic /api/v1/doctor/statistic Path does not match
126 doctorapi_byspeciality /api/v1/doctor/byspeciality Path does not match
127 doctorapi_add /api/v1/doctor/ Path does not match
128 doctorapi_update /api/v1/doctor/{selector} Path does not match
129 doctorapi_updatestatus /api/v1/doctor/status/{selector} Path does not match
130 doctorapi_getOneDoctor /api/v1/doctor/{selector} Path does not match
131 doctorapi_destroy /api/v1/doctor/{selector} Path does not match
132 documentapi_list /api/v1/document/ Path does not match
133 documentapi_add /api/v1/document/ Path does not match
134 documentapi_update /api/v1/document/{selector} Path does not match
135 documentapi_getOneDocument /api/v1/document/{selector} Path does not match
136 documentapi_destroy /api/v1/document/{selector} Path does not match
137 frontapi_listspeciality /front/v1/speciality/list Path does not match
138 frontapi_listcity /front/v1/city/list Path does not match
139 frontapi_alldoctor /front/v1/doctor/all Path does not match
140 doctor_search_suggestions /front/v1/doctor/search-suggestions Path does not match
141 frontapi_listdoctor /front/v1/doctor/list Path does not match
142 frontapi_listclinical /front/v1/clinical/list Path does not match
143 frontapi_listlaboratory /front/v1/laboratory/list Path does not match
144 frontapi_getOneDoctor /front/v1/onedoctor/{selector} Path does not match
145 frontapi_getOneClinical /front/v1/oneclinical/{selector} Path does not match
146 frontapi_getOneLaboratory /front/v1/onelaboratory/{selector} Path does not match
147 frontapi_filter /front/v1/doctor/filter Path does not match
148 frontapi_filternotall /front/v1/doctor/filter/notall Path does not match
149 frontapi_filterhome /front/v1/doctor/home/filter Path does not match
150 frontapi_filterCli /front/v1/clinical/filter Path does not match
151 frontapi_filterlab /front/v1/laboratory/filter Path does not match
152 frontapi_somespecialities /front/v1/specialities Path does not match
153 frontapi_bloglist /front/v1/blog Path does not match
154 frontapi_getOneBlog /front/v1/oneblog/{selector} Path does not match
155 frontapi_latestBlog /front/v1/blog/latest Path does not match
156 frontapi_schbydoctorselector /front/v1/schedule/bydoctorselector Path does not match
157 frontapi_avlistbydoctorall /front/v1/availibility/bydoctor/all Path does not match
158 frontapi_slo /front/v1/schedule/get-time-slots Path does not match
159 frontapi_listbydoctorapp /front/v1/appointment/bydoctor Path does not match
160 laboratoryapi_list /api/v1/laboratory/ Path does not match
161 laboratoryapi_filterlab /api/v1/laboratory/filter Path does not match
162 laboratoryapi_add /api/v1/laboratory/ Path does not match
163 laboratoryapi_update /api/v1/laboratory/{selector} Path does not match
164 laboratoryapi_getOneLaboratory /api/v1/laboratory/{selector} Path does not match
165 laboratoryapi_destroy /api/v1/laboratory/{selector} Path does not match
166 notificationapi_list /api/v1/notification/ Path does not match
167 notificationapi_bydoctor /api/v1/notification/bydoctor Path does not match
168 notificationapi_bydoctorall /api/v1/notification/bydoctor/all Path does not match
169 notificationapi_add /api/v1/notification/ Path does not match
170 notificationapi_updatestatus /api/v1/notification/status/{selector} Path does not match
171 notificationapi_update /api/v1/notification/{selector} Path does not match
172 notificationapi_getOneNotification /api/v1/notification/{selector} Path does not match
173 notificationapi_destroy /api/v1/notification/{selector} Path does not match
174 patientapi_list /api/v1/patient/ Path does not match
175 patientapi_add /api/v1/patient/ Path does not match
176 patientapi_update /api/v1/patient/{selector} Path does not match
177 patientapi_getOnePatient /api/v1/patient/{selector} Path does not match
178 patientapi_destroy /api/v1/patient/{selector} Path does not match
179 patientAppointmentapi_list /api/v1/patientAppointment/ Path does not match
180 patientAppointmentapi_allbydoctor /api/v1/patientAppointment/all/bydoctor Path does not match
181 patientAppointmentapi_listupcomingdoctor /api/v1/patientAppointment/upcoming Path does not match
182 patientAppointmentapi_listtodaydoctor /api/v1/patientAppointment/today Path does not match
183 patientAppointmentapi_listbydatedoctor /api/v1/patientAppointment/bydate Path does not match
184 patientAppointmentapi_listbydatedoctorass /api/v1/patientAppointment/all/byassistant/bydate Path does not match
185 patientAppointmentapi_bypatient /api/v1/patientAppointment/bypatient Path does not match
186 patientAppointmentapi_bydoctorpatient /api/v1/patientAppointment/bydoctor Path does not match
187 patientAppointmentapi_bydoctorpatientall /api/v1/patientAppointment/bydoctor/all Path does not match
188 patientAppointmentapi_byasspatientall /api/v1/patientAppointment/byassistant/all Path does not match
189 patientAppointmentapi_bypatientdoctorpatient /api/v1/patientAppointment/bypatientdoctor Path does not match
190 patientAppointmentapi_byassistant /api/v1/patientAppointment/all/byassistant Path does not match
191 patientAppointmentapi_add /api/v1/patientAppointment/ Path does not match
192 patientAppointmentapi_update /api/v1/patientAppointment/{selector} Path does not match
193 patientAppointmentapi_getOnePatientAppointment /api/v1/patientAppointment/{selector} Path does not match
194 patientAppointmentapi_destroy /api/v1/patientAppointment/{selector} Path does not match
195 roleapi_list /api/v1/role/ Path does not match
196 roleapi_add /api/v1/role/ Path does not match
197 roleapi_update /api/v1/role/{selector} Path does not match
198 roleapi_getOneRole /api/v1/role/{selector} Path does not match
199 roleapi_destroy /api/v1/role/{selector} Path does not match
200 scheduleapi_list /api/v1/schedule/ Path does not match
201 scheduleapi_bydoctor /api/v1/schedule/bydoctor Path does not match
202 scheduleapi_bydoctorselector /api/v1/schedule/bydoctorselector Path does not match
203 scheduleapi_bydoctorId /api/v1/schedule/bydoctorid Path does not match
204 scheduleapi_slo /api/v1/schedule/get-time-slots Path does not match
205 scheduleapi_slodoctor /api/v1/schedule/get-time-slots/doctor Path does not match
206 scheduleapi_slodassistant /api/v1/schedule/get-time-slots/assistant Path does not match
207 scheduleapi_slots /api/v1/schedule/slots Path does not match
208 scheduleapi_add /api/v1/schedule/ Path does not match
209 scheduleapi_update /api/v1/schedule/{selector} Path does not match
210 scheduleapi_getOneSchedule /api/v1/schedule/{selector} Path does not match
211 scheduleapi_destroy /api/v1/schedule/{selector} Path does not match
212 scheduleapi_ddx /api/v1/schedule/delete/all Path does not match
213 settingapi_list /api/v1/setting/ Path does not match
214 settingapi_duration /api/v1/setting/duration Path does not match
215 settingapi_showDoctorAdd /api/v1/setting/showDoctor Path does not match
216 settingapi_dur /api/v1/setting/duration Path does not match
217 settingapi_updateShowDoctor /api/v1/setting/showDoctor/{selector} Path does not match
218 settingapi_update /api/v1/setting/{selector} Path does not match
219 settingapi_getOneSetting /api/v1/setting/{selector} Path does not match
220 settingapi_destroy /api/v1/setting/{selector} Path does not match
221 specialityapi_list /api/v1/speciality/ Path does not match
222 specialityapi_all /api/v1/speciality/all Path does not match
223 specialityapi_allspeciality /api/v1/speciality/specialities Path does not match
224 specialityapi_add /api/v1/speciality/ Path does not match
225 specialityapi_update /api/v1/speciality/{selector} Path does not match
226 specialityapi_getOneSpeciality /api/v1/speciality/{selector} Path does not match
227 specialityapi_destroy /api/v1/speciality/{selector} Path does not match
228 subscriptionConfigapi_all /api/v1/subscriptionConfig/ Path does not match
229 subscriptionConfigapi_add /api/v1/subscriptionConfig/ Path does not match
230 subscriptionConfigapi_update /api/v1/subscriptionConfig/{selector} Path does not match
231 subscriptionConfigapi_getOneSubscriptionConfig /api/v1/subscriptionConfig/{selector} Path does not match
232 subscriptionConfigapi_destroy /api/v1/subscriptionConfig/{selector} Path does not match
233 userapi_listAll /api/v1/user/ Path does not match
234 userapi_add /api/v1/user/ Path does not match
235 userapi_update /api/v1/user/ Path does not match
236 userpasswordapi_update /api/v1/user/password Path does not match
237 userapi_getOneUser /api/v1/user/{selector} Path does not match
238 userapi_updateAvatar /api/v1/user/{selector} Path does not match
239 userapi_removeavatar /api/v1/user/removeavatar/{selector} Path does not match
240 userapi_destroy /api/v1/user/{selector} Path does not match
241 app_login /login Path does not match
242 admin_app_login /admin/login Path does not match
243 doctor_app_login /doctor/login Path does not match
244 patient_app_login /patient/login Path does not match
245 assistant_app_login /assistant/login Path does not match
246 app_logout /logout Path does not match
247 admin_app_logout /admin/logout Path does not match
248 doctor_register /doctor/register Path does not match
249 app_switch_role_to_doctor /patient/switch-role Path does not match
250 app_switch_role_to_patient /doctor/switch-role Path does not match
251 patient_register /patient/register Path does not match
252 app_activate_account /activate/{token} Path does not match
253 patient_register_mobile /api/v1/register Path does not match
254 doctor_register_mobile /api/v1/doctor/register Path does not match
255 api_login /api/v1/login Path does not match
256 api_logout /api/v1/logout Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.